What We Do

“We’re to bring about improvements in our community!” - Gary Food Council

Our Mission and Purpose:

The mission of the Gary Food Council is to deliver sustainable solutions and opportunities for healthy local food access within our Gary neighborhoods. The purpose of the Gary Food Council is to form a city wide alliance made up of a diverse group of public and private stakeholders in a collaborative effort to: 

● Identify the benefits, challenges and opportunities for a successful city wide food system; ● Serve as a forum for discussion and coordination for community-wide efforts to improve access to the regional food supply and distribution networks; 

● Work with food and agricultural sectors to contribute significantly to the environmental and economic wellbeing of our city; 

● Improve access to city grown healthy food options while promoting educational resources for local populations; 

● Develop strategies to enhance the environmental, economic, social and nutritional health of the city as it relates to food and agricultural systems; 

● Affect and develop food policy; and 

● Advocate and advise on policy implementation. 

In keeping with the vision and purpose, the COUNCIL recognizes and supports the following principles: 

● Projects, programs, and the policies that guide them are most vital and responsive when they are rooted in local communities; 

● Conflict is a predictable result of collaboration and provides positive benefits when it is cooperatively resolved; 

● Democratic ethics are at the base of decision making; 

● The Council shall maintain an atmosphere free from all forms of harassment in efforts to value diverse points of view and reach consensus; 

● The Council values the contributions of all that choose to commit to participation in the goals and purposes of the Council; and 

● The Council shall develop procedures to encourage community participation in the education, deliberation, and decision making processes. 

Our Committees

  • To develop a revenue stream to support current and future endeavors.

  • Maintain and update bylaws.

  • Mission is to find passionate people who are willing to address the food concerns and issues in the Gary Community.

  • The purpose to inform and update the community about the GFC events.

  • The purpose is to equip our community with life-supporting skills, as it relates to food.

  • Purpose to create programs to address local food policy concerns.